Tag: March 2012

‘Normal’ feline vomiting – is there such a thing?

A visiting feline specialist has challenged what he labelled as “the greatest of all feline myths”: namely that chronic vomiting in the cat is normal. Gary Norsworthy, based the Alamo Feline Health Centre in Texas, says that all too frequently chronic vomiting in cats is dismissed as result of eating […]

Abstracts: Detection of Avian bornavirus 5 RNA in Eclectus roratus with feather picking disorder

Avian bornavirus (ABV) was discovered recently in parrots with proventricular dilatation disease (PDD), a fatal neurological disease. Although ABV has been shown to be a causative agent of PDD, the virological characteristics of ABV are largely unknown. Here we report the detection of ABV genotype 5 RNA in Eclectus roratus […]