Tag: UQ

Team maps koala genome

In a joint project that is also likely to benefit the conservation of other threatened and endangered species, a team of researchers from the Australian Museum, the Queensland University of Technology, Australia Zoo, the University of New South Wales’ Ramaciotti Centre, and the Port Macquarie Koala Hospital, recently announced it […]

Japanese vets explore up-skilling, Downunder

A number of Japanese veterinarians have attended a two day neurosurgical workshop at the University of Queensland (UQ). The event was hosted from July 20-21 by VetPrac, an organisation that provides practical skills training for registered veterinarians in clinical practice. VetPrac director Ilana Mendels coordinated the workshop over six months, […]

Bee study boosted by scholarship

A childhood interest in bees has resulted in the receipt of a prestigious Queensland-Smithsonian Fellowship for a PhD student from Queensland University (UQ), Tobias Smith. The fellowship, valued at $17,000, will allow Smith to further pursue his research on the diversity patterns of bees and flies in tropical rainforests areas, […]

Accumulation of ammonia and other potentially noxious gases on live export shipments from Australia to the Middle East

Noxious gases on ships are irritant pollutants that have potential impacts on the comfort and health of both livestock and humans. Identification of environmental influences on the pollutants will assist live exporters to control them. Ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and carbon dioxide, as well as wet and dry bulb temperature, dew […]

Large animal experience a boon to students

The national rural veterinary crisis is being actively addressed by Australian Agricultural College Corporation with hands-on training for students at its Berrigurra property. In a partnership with Queensland University, 22 Bachelor of Veterinary Science students in second and third year have spent two weeks getting hands-on with large animals. In […]