New president and partnership gives AMRRIC a boost

Animal Management in Remote and Rural Indigenous Communities has announced Ted Donelan, a veterinarian from Melbourne who has worked with indigenous communities for more than 15 years, as its new President and Bayer Animal Heath as a partner.

Both are set to give AMRRIC a boost as it strives to improve animal management in Australia’s indigenous communities.

AMRRIC is a national not-for-profit organisation originally set-up by veterinarians to improve the health and welfare of companion animals and improve the overall health and wellbeing of people in Australia’s indigenous communities.

Having just returned from Maningrida, a remote Indigenous community in Arnhem Lane east of Darwin, where he performed his 1000th outback dog de-sexing, Ted Donelan has been sworn in as President of AMRRIC.

“I am both humbled and thrilled to be president of AMRRIC,” Donelan said.

“I’ve had the privilege of working with the Kunibídji people in Maningrida and have seen how the approach used there, which is embodied in the AMRRIC model of animal management, can improve the overall health of animals, people and the environment in indigenous communities.”

AMRRIC’s dedication to cross-cultural sensitivity and understanding has enabled it to develop an appropriate model for veterinarians to work within indigenous communities whereby human rights, capacity building, grass-roots approach and local empowerment are promoted.

“The links between healthy animals and healthy people and environment are obvious. If we treat the animals against parasites, control dog numbers, discourage aggression and address environmental factors, we see improvements in the overall health of indigenous communities.”

It is with this vision that AMRRIC has partnered with Bayer Animal Health to promote the work of the organisation. “We are genuinely enthusiastic about our partnership as it comes from a true commitment to animal health and the bond that people share with their companion animals,” Donelan said.

Bayer Animal Health, manufacturer of Drontal Allwormer, has committed to helping AMRRIC build a corporate profile, develop and implement a communications and marketing strategy and assist in fundraising programs.

“We are excited to partner with AMRRIC as we share the same beliefs and commitments to animal, human and environmental health,” Leandro Posteraro of Bayer Animal Health said.

“The close relationship between companion animals and people is growing in Australia, and we strive to keep these relationships healthy. By ensuring the health of animals and environment, we aim to protect people from the transmission of diseases and parasites,” he said.

“We understand that the link between human, animal and environmental health is paramount in Indigenous communities and look forward to helping AMRRIC improve the condition of animal management in remote and rural communities around the country.”

Entering this new phase, Donelan is “excited about the future of AMRRIC and hopeful of the difference we can make in the health of animals, people and environments in indigenous communities.”

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