Author: admin


Welcome back to a Day in the Life – this month we are joining Katerina Skarbek from Somersby Animal Hospital, which is located on the Central Coast of New South Wales. While Somersby Animal Hospital may sound like it is a generic veterinary practice, the reality is anything but – […]

CVS launches secondment program

CVS Australia has announced an innovative secondment program, offering Australian veterinary professionals a unique opportunity to work in the UK for up to two years. This initiative, which is believed to be a first for the Australian veterinary market, also allows UK colleagues to experience work in Australia. The program […]

Conference ends with workforce shortage relief in sight

The annual Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) Conference wrapped up in late May with a panel session which brought together economists and veterinarians to discuss the landscape and emerging trends in the sector. Chaired by Moss Siddle and Paul Blanc, information presented showed that while recruiting continues to be a challenge […]

Philanthropic funds contribute to Tasmanian devil vaccine research

Donations made to the Save the Tasmanian Devil Appeal will be distributed across five research grants this year to fund projects that include the development of a ‘bait’ vaccine. This will differ from the vaccine type developed several years ago that aimed to slow the progression of the facial tumour […]

Evaluation of indicators of acute emotional states in dogs

A complete assessment of animal welfare requires not just an understanding of negative emotional states, such as fear and anxiety, but also of positive states, such as calmness and happiness. However, few studies have identified accurate and reliable indicators of positive emotional states in dogs. This study aimed to identify […]