Category: Abstracts

Impact of growth rate on the welfare of broilers

Selection for the more efficient production of broilers has resulted in rapid growth rates. The aim was to review the existing knowledge on the effect of growth rate on broiler welfare. Genotypes with faster growth rates consistently demonstrate poorer gait scores and increased prevalence of disorders affecting their legs than […]

Innovating beef cattle veterinary practices: Leveraging genetic and genomic tools

In the evolving landscape of beef cattle management, veterinarians are transitioning from their traditional role of treating diseases to becoming proactive advisors. This article explores how veterinarians with knowledge of genetic tools are poised to be vital in addressing the fundamental industry challenges. It highlights the role of genetic selection […]

Abiotic Stressors in poultry production: A comprehensive review

In modern animal husbandry, stress can be viewed as an automatic response triggered by exposure to adverse environmental conditions. This response can range from mild discomfort to severe consequences, including mortality. The poultry industry, which significantly contributes to human nutrition, is not exempt from this issue. Although genetic selection has […]

Health of polo horses

This literature review analyses the historical development of polo, its organizational structure, the course of the game, as well as the breeding, rearing, and training practices of polo horses. Frequently occurring ailments, such as musculoskeletal injuries, respiratory diseases, and internal illnesses, are highlighted. Lameness is a major problem, with injuries […]

Evaluation of indicators of acute emotional states in dogs

A complete assessment of animal welfare requires not just an understanding of negative emotional states, such as fear and anxiety, but also of positive states, such as calmness and happiness. However, few studies have identified accurate and reliable indicators of positive emotional states in dogs. This study aimed to identify […]