Infection control practices of Australian veterinarians are dangerously inadequate, according to a University of Sydney study published this month. The study, published in Preventative Veterinary Medicine, found that 44.9 per cent of veterinarians had contracted a zoonotic disease through their work. Based on a survey of veterinarians attending the 2011 […]
Survey of the frequency and perceived stressfulness of ethical dilemmas encountered in UK veterinary practice
The scale of the ethical challenges faced by veterinary surgeons and their perceived stressful consequences were investigated via a short questionnaire, completed by 58 practising veterinary surgeons. Respondents were asked to report how frequently they faced ethical dilemmas, and to rate on a simple numerical scale (zero to 10) how […]
Burnout: an occupational hazard we cannot ignore
It is well established that veterinarians suffer a higher suicide rate than the general adult population. Research by former Australian Veterinary Association President Helen Jones found that veterinarians were four times more likely to take their lives when compared to non-veterinarians. In absolute numbers, the number of veterinarians who commit […]