“Roaming Vet” Romy Feldman has advised pet owners to be cautious particularly when taking animals on holiday, as different regions have different pests and treatments needed. “It is important to be informed about the risk in their area and any hot-spots that come about, like tick cases recently reported as […]
Federal funding denied for devil program
In the lead-up to the federal election the former federal government announced it would not provide $4 million in funding for a project submitted under the Caring for Country program by the Save The Tasmanian Devil Program. The Devil Island Project would have enabled the relocation of Tasmanian devils from […]
Cat-friendly crusader Andrea Harvey
Feline patients are notoriously challenging: some are difficult to handle, others become so stressed at the vet their blood glucose skyrockets, and the mere scent of a vet is enough to manifest profound physiological changes including pyrexia, tachypnoea and dyspnoea. But according to feline specialist Andrea Harvey, there is much […]
Early canine cancer succes
A University of Queensland trial of a new injectable treatment for canine cancer has shown early results in slowing down and ultimately reversing the growth of a tumour. UQ PhD candidate and veterinarian Moira Brennan said the vaccine was in the early stages of testing and had apparently worked for […]
Nonsurgical fertility control for managing free-roaming dog populations: a review of products and criteria for field applications
About 75 per cent of dogs worldwide are free to roam and reproduce, thus creating locally overabundant populations. Problems caused by roaming dogs include diseases transmitted to livestock and humans, predation on livestock, attacks on humans, road traffic accidents, and nuisance behavior. Nonsurgical fertility control is increasingly advocated as more […]