Owing to the development of greyhounds as racing sight hounds, these dogs have acquired unique physiologic adaptations that distinguish them from other breeds.
Reference intervals for many analytes in retired racing Greyhounds (RRGs) differ from those of other breeds; most of the hematologic differences have also been described in other sight hounds.
In this review, the authors provide a survey of the literature on clinical pathology of greyhounds and other sight hounds and results of laboratory testing, including analysis of CBCs, biochemical profiles, coagulation tests, and blood gases, in RRGs at The Ohio State University.
Major clinicopathologic differences in this breed include higher RBC mass, creatinine concentration, glomerular filtration rate, activities of hepatic enzymes, and concentration of cardiac troponin, as well as lower WBC, neutrophil, and platelet counts, thromboelastographic values, and concentrations.
The study is from The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA; and the Center for Molecular and Human Genetics at The Research Institute at Nationwide Children’s Hospital, Columbus, Ohio, USA.
Zaldívar-López S, Marín LM, Iazbik MC, et al. Vet Clin Pathol 2011 Oct 24 [Epub ahead of print].