RSPCA Australia’s chief scientist and strategy officer, Bidda Jones, was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) in this year’s Queen’s Birthday Honours Awards. Jones began working for the RSPCA in 1996, shortly after arriving in Australia from the UK, and has been a leader in the organisation’s […]
In dingoes, colour is critical
The widely held belief is that the coats of pure dingoes are ginger in colour and any variations are indicative of hybrid animals with domestic dog genetics in their ancestry. This idea has been challenged in a collaborative study involving 1325 wild canids across south-eastern NSW, that was published recently in […]
Could marine mammals catch COVID-19?
It is widely accepted that COVID-19 virus spread from wildlife to humans, and studies are now being done on the risks to land-based animals through cross-infection from humans, (The Veterinarian, October 2020). The results of a study published recently in Science of the Total Environment have found marine mammals may […]
COVID-19 also a risk for wildlife
An international study has warned a wide range of mammals, including threatened species, are at risk of human-animal transmission of COVID-19, and have urged people to take sanitary precautions when in direct or indirect contact with wild or feral mammal species. Domestic cats, American mink, Egyptian fruit bats and North […]