After years of detailed planning and fundraising, Queensland University’s $100 million-plus Veterinary Science complex has opened at the university’s Gatton campus. Blair Federal MP Shayne Neumann, opened the state-of-the-art facilities at a function attended by industry, academic and community leaders. Veterinary Science Dean Jonathan Hill said relocation of the school […]
Human violence and animal cruelty
Animal cruelty, especially the abuse of pit bulls in dog-fighting activities, has achieved a higher profile after the 2007 arrest of the National Football League star Michael Vick for running an illegal interstate dog-fighting business in Virginia. However, the pit bull is only the most publicized victim of a phenomenon […]
Rabies closer than you think
Many Australian pet owners are unaware they live in one of the few countries where rabies vaccination is unnecessary. But people and animals as close to as on Bali, one of our most popular holiday islands, are vulnerable to this preventable disease which kills someone, somewhere on the planet, every […]
EcoVet: Seeing the carbon for the trees
The recent climate change debate has descended into a farce and not only just in Australia. There has however been considerable comment recently about carbon bio-sequestration and soil carbon in particular. The Wentworth group have a new publication “Optimising Soil Carbon in the Australian landscape” which is well worth reading, […]