The Tasmanian devil, the world’s largest marsupial carnivore, is facing possible extinction in the wild due to a transmissible facial cancer known as Tasmanian devil facial tumour disease (DFTD) (Figure 1). DFTD is spread when living cancer cells are spread between animals by biting. In DFTD, the living cancer cell […]
Titanium teeth for prison dog
A valuable Victorian prison dog is showing off his new “smile” after receiving titanium incisors from veterinary dentist David Clarke. The German Shepherd, Axel, required the dental work after biting his bed board. Clarke, the owner of K9 Gums in Hallam, Victoria, has also treated big cats, gorillas and bears […]
Essay: Decreasing undesired aggression in military working dogs and improving their welfare
This essay is one of a number selected for The Veterinarian magazine Prize for Written Communication for Sydney University third-year veterinary science students. Military working dogs (MWDs) are employed worldwide to assist in law enforcement and military operations. They are trained to display controlled acts of aggression during defence situations, […]
ACVSc members – your vote is needed!
The Council of the Australian College of Veterinary Scientists will again present to its members a proposal to change its name to one that will appropriately reflect New Zealand’s involvement in all of its functions. The new name being proposed is the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists […]