Year: 2013

Can dogs smell lung cancer? First study using exhaled breath and urine screening in unselected patients with suspected lung cancer

Background. On the basis of our own experience and literature search, we hypothesised that a canine olfactory test may be useful for detecting lung cancer in an unselected population of patients suspected to have lung cancer. Material and methods. We conducted a prospective study of 93 patients consecutively admitted to […]

Rectal prolapse and foreign body in a magnificent tree frog

Amphibians are uncommon veterinary patients, partly thanks to restrictions on keeping them in certain areas, but also due to an overall decline in frog numbers worldwide. Even so, Stephen Cutter, at the Ark Animal Hospital in Palmerston, treats a handful of frogs every year. “Frogs are still common in NT […]

UQ’s batty breakthrough

Venom from vampire bats and other creatures is providing the basis for medical breakthroughs following the discovery of various ways bats can prevent blood clots. The University of Queensland’s Professor Bryan Fry is leading an international team who have discovered new types of anticoagulants and new compounds that open arteries […]