Year: 2024

Should we consider Addison’s disease in dogs with gastrointestinal signs alone?

P. J. Guzmán Ramos LV, MSc, DVMS, PhD, Dip. ECVIM-CA A/Prof in Small Animal Medicine School of Veterinary Medicine Murdoch University Canine hypoadrenocorticism is an uncommon endocrinopathy with reported prevalence that ranges from 0.06 per cent to 0.08 per cent1.  Primary hypoadrenocorticism (Addison’s disease) is referred to as ‘typical’ when describing glucocorticoid and mineralocorticoid […]

Playpens for calves

Anyone who has watched lambs or calves frolicking and careering around a paddock chasing each other, knows that these young animals, just like young children, love to play, but while zoos have recognised the importance of enrichment programs that give captive-bred juveniles a creative outlet for their physical and mental […]

Escaping the Vortex: A rescue guide for time-pressed clinic teams

Do your staff feel like they’re running on a hamster wheel that’s spinning faster than ever? Rest assured, you’re not alone! These days, clinic teams are stretched thinner than a cat’s patience at bath time. With ever-growing lists of responsibilities, staff are pulled left and right throughout the day, and too often it’s away from their true value […]

High-tech dog mannequin aids TAFE training

A cutting-edge canine mannequin, recently introduced at TAFE NSW Kingscliff, is providing veterinary nursing students with an invaluable, hands-on learning experience. The lifelike mannequin, imported from the US – and affectionately named Barbara – allows students to practice essential clinical skills in a safe and controlled environment. Gemma Holland, a […]