Abstract In the 2019-2020 Australian bushfires, Kangaroo Island, South Australia, experienced catastrophic bushfires that burnt approximately half the island, with an estimated 80 per cent of the koala population lost. During and after the event, rescued koalas were triaged at a designated facility and a range of initial data were […]
Vaccine rollout for koalas
Koalas also joined vaccination queues during October with the rollout of Phase 3 of a chlamydia vaccine trial involving 200 animals at Queensland’s Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital. Each of the koalas received a single dose of a vaccine that contains tiny slivers of the Chlamydia pecorum bacteria. Researchers hope the vaccine, that […]
AKF highlights koala decline crisis
The Australian Koala Foundation (AKF) has released alarming figures showing our nation’s most loved creature is in rapid decline. Since 2018, there has been an estimated 30 per cent decline in koalas across Australia, with populations estimated to be between 32,065 to 57,920 down from 45,745 to 82,170 in 2018. […]
Extinction fears held for koala
Developers may be placing koalas at their greatest ever risk of extinction according to conservation groups. The ABC reported that it has obtained a copy of the Federal Government’s draft guidelines regarding how industry determines if its activities will affect habitat. Critics of the guidelines claim the proposed amendments will […]